Go therefore and make disciples of all nations...

Matthew 28:19

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We have a team of people dedicated to helping you walk through the process of discovering your next step in God’s Mission for the world. 

Spring '25 DMI Application

If you are interested in joining or finding out more info about a DMI this spring, fill out the form below and we will be in contact with you. The cost of a DMI is $25 to cover the charge of 2 books and supplies for the group.

Our first meeting will be Sunday, January 26. At this meeting you will get info on your official group and meeting times on the rest of the Sunday meetings. The first meeting will take place at the Hillel and all the rest will take places inside of houses or apartments.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to us via email at cheney@saltchurchuf.com


Of the 7.9 Billion People on Earth 3.28 Billion Don’t have access to the gospel: That’s 41% of the world. 


97% of unreached people groups live in the 10/40 window which is 10 to 40 degrees latitude north of the equator.


Of the 435,000 Foreign Missionaries around the world only 3% of them go to unreached parts of the world.

Next steps to be involved in God’s work to teach people from every tribe, tongue, and nation…

1. Learn about the nations

Disciple making intensive

Disciple-Making Intensives are a 10-week immersion into disciple-making teams. They are for anyone looking to learn practical tools to advance the gospel wherever God has placed them. They are designed to provide practical training, tools, and experience to help each person discern their role in fulfilling the Great Commission.

Mission of God Class

Mission of God is a 10-week class that exists to inspire participants to take a clear next step in engaging with the Great Commission. Through education, application, and studying Scripture, students will explore God's heart for the nations.


2. Go to the Nations

Long Term

Long-term goers are individuals who have moved to countries throughout the world to live among unreached people groups and share the gospel. Salt Church is committed to supporting these individuals at a high level. Because of this commitment, we require each long-term goer to follow an intentional process in order to send out well-prepared laborers into the harvest.

Goer Community

Goer Community groups are nine-month training cohorts for individuals hoping to move overseas. Focused on how to engage in cross-cultural ministry, Goer Community groups are designed to equip participants with the knowledge, spiritual disciplines, and mentorship to share the gospel in another country. Through weekly readings, regular times of prayer and evangelism, retreats, and more, Goer Community groups aim to support individuals before they launch.


3. Send to the Nations

Care - Helping care for long-term overseas workers helps sustain their work overseas. Joining a goers care team can help you play a role in supporting them and their needs. You can also help by providing them tangible resources during the times they are back stateside.

Give - Generosity in giving enables the fruit of long-term goers and allows you an opportunity to joyfully participate in the work being done. We would love to connect you to overseas workers and stateside mobilizers to help financially partner in the work being done to impact the nations with the Gospel. 

Pray - Play a vital role in the lives of long-term workers through interceding in prayer. By praying on behalf of a goer and the nation they are reaching, you are playing an important part in the Great Commission.  "Prayer does not equip us for some greater works—prayer is the greater work" - Oswald Chambers 





Cheney Hanken


Molly Shannon


Tyler Brannan